
Showing posts from October, 2019

Brooklyn Pizza's Mozzarella Sticks

Brooklyn Pizza's Mozzarella Sticks- 3.5/10 crowns My family ordered delivery from this place and let me tell you it was a train wreck before I even tried the mozzarella sticks. The breading: The breading surprisingly (not breadcrumbs) was the bet thing about these mozzarella sticks and they were greasy. Not off to the best start here. The cheese: The cheese just tasted like they had been reheated like two times because the customer had second thoughts about ordering them. Lucky for them. I mean if Chuck E. Cheese reuses its pizza then this place might reuse mozzarella sticks. The sauce: It just tasted cold, like it had been sitting out for a while. Not good. No thank you. Just save yourself and either get Farm Rich anything or Edison Diner mozzarella sticks. ***August 4, 2020 Update After trying these again, I have decided to update my ranking from a 4 crown rating to a 3.5 crown rating. The sauce is thin and the mozzarella sticks do not have much flavor overall.

Menlo Park Diner's Mozzarella Sticks

Menlo Park Diner's Mozzarella Sticks- 6.5/10 crowns I really wanted to give these a 7, I really did. The breading: From the pictures alone, I understand if you're think what the heck those look undercooked and sad. Because they did. But let me tell you that real breadcrumb stuff was it. The cheese: This cheese pull was doing it. Like for sure not the best pull ever, but one of the best ones in a while, not good enough to top Farm Rich bites, though. The sauce: I mean for a diner I was not expecting a whole lot from sad looking sauce but it was not bad. 10/10 definitely doubt dipping. Menlo Park Diner, you cannot be serving me seven (7) mozzarella sticks on a plate. its either six eight you choose. And what in the WORLD was with that nine dollar price tag. subtracting points for that alone, please reconsider.

T.G.I. Friday's Restaurant Mozzarella Sticks

T.G.I. Friday's Restaurant Mozzarella Sticks- 2.5/10 crowns Here's a hot (?) take: these mozzarella sticks sucked. The breading: Why is it that the mozzarella sticks with actual real breadcrumbs never live up to my standards? Just like bland. Bad. The cheese: There was a minor cheese pull, I will grant them that. Tbh don't know why they bothered it wasn't good anyway. The sauce: Like a pile of red goop, not good. And it gave me a stomach ache. Disappointing. Let me put things into perspective for you: I got these as part of the never ending appetizers promotion. Meaning: I could literally order as many trays of these as I wanted. And I didn't order more than two. My sister brought some home and I didn't even have another. My recommendation is that if you want T.G.I. Friday's mozzarella sticks (and if you have a super coupon) just go to Shop Rite and get the frozen ones.